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How to create customizable products in Shopify for Free (No coding!)

Creating customizable products in your Shopify store not only increase your customer satisfaction, it also increases your conversion rate.  Here is a method to add custom options for your Shopify product and convert it into personalized product - Go to Shopify store page and search for "Advanced Product Customizer" app or you can directly the the Shopify app page by clicking on this link Advanced Product Customizer . Install  Advanced Product Customizer  app for free in your Shopify store  From the application dashboard, enable to app embed block to complete the installation process Click "Product Custom Options"  From the Shopify products list, select the product on which you want to add custom options. Advanced Product Customizer  offers Image Swatch, Color Swatch, Text box, File Upload, Radio, Checkbox, Date Picker and more. Here is the a demo video for adding custom option for a Shopify product -

Debug Java code in Java COM windows application. (Remote Java debugging)

Hi, I recently got the chance to setup Java debug environment for Java-COM based windows application. Here the vb6 code is used for showing the User interface of application while Java and C++ code includes business logic of the application. To fix some bugs in the application a debug environment was required which allows users to debug Java and C++ JNI code.

To debug C++, I used Visual studio attach to process method and for Java code remote Java debugging of eclispe was used.

Here is the details of process that I used to debug Java-

We need to implement following two steps -

  1. Launch the application and tell the JVM that it will be debugged remotely
  2. Create debug configuration in eclispe IDE to debug application remotely. (in our case it is localhost)

Pass following argument to jvm -
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8998

The above code should be placed at the location where jvm is loaded in the code.
Here 8998 denotes the port and suspend=n will make sure that the debugging is suspended till the java code hits in the application.

In the ecplise IDE we need create a new debug configuration and enter following details in Connection Properties -
Host - localhost
Port - 8998
Now, click on apply then launch the application. Now click on Debug in Debug configuration after setting debug points in the Java code.


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