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Send email using C# - details

Here are the details for the classes and properties used in my previous post:

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is an Internet standard for email transmission across IP networks.

System.Net.Mail: It is namespace contains classes used to send e-mail to a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol server for delivery.

In the previous post,  following two classes of System.Net.Mail are used:

  1. MailMessage - represents the contents of mail  message.
  2. SmtpClient - transmit email to the SMTP host that you designate for mail delivery.
Note: We can also use "Attachment class" to create mail attachment.

Details about properties and functions of MailMessage class which are used in our program:
  • MailMessage.From - Gets or Sets the from address for current email message
  • MailMessage.Subject - Gets or Sets the subject line for current email message
  • MailMessage.Body - Gets or Sets the message body
  • Mail.To - Gets the address collection that contains the recipients of current email message
    • Mail.To.Add() adds the recipients address to the address collections.
  • MailMessage.DeliveryNotificationOptions - Gets or Sets the delivery notifications for current email message.
    • In our app, we are using DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure which notify if the delivery is unsuccessful.
Details about properties and functions of SmtpClient class which are used in our program: 
  • SmtpClient.Credentials - Gets or Sets the credentials used to authenticate the sender
  • SmtpClient.Port - Gets or Sets the port used for SMTP transction.
  • SmtpClient.Host - Gets or Sets the name or IP address of the host used for SMTP transactions.
  • SmtpClient.EnableSsl - Specify  whether the smtpclient uses Secure Sockets layer (ssl) to encrypt the connection.
  • SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage) - Sends the specified message to a SMTP server for delivery.


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