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How to show/hide custom options for your Shopify product?

What are custom options for a Shopify products?

Customs options are additional options created on your Shopify product page which allows your customer to enter their own preference making their choices for the products. This allows the products personalization for your customer which ultimately increases their satisfaction and it also increases your conversion rate.  We have previously covered a tutorial on how to add custom options for your Shopify product

Here is the link :

How to Hide/Show custom options for your Shopify product?

Sometimes, we have cases where we want to show custom options based on the values selected for any other option. These conditions can be added for Shopify product using Advanced Product Customizer Shopify app.

Here is a method to add condition to Show/Hide custom options for your Shopify product -

  1. Go to Shopify store page and search for "Advanced Product Customizer" app or you can directly the the Shopify app page by clicking on this link Advanced Product Customizer.
  2. Install Advanced Product Customizer app for free in your Shopify store 
  3. From the application dashboard, enable to app embed block to complete the installation process
  4. Click "Product Custom Options" 
  5. From the Shopify products list, select the product on which you want to add custom options.
  6. Add the required custom options (for details process please follow the document given in the support section)
  7. Go to Conditional logic tab and add the conditional rule.

Here is the a demo video to hide/show custom options for a Shopify product -

Advanced Product Customizer offers Image Swatch, Color Swatch, Text box, File Upload, Radio, Checkbox, Date Picker and more.


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